Elementary School Character Program

Character. It Shows.

  Character. It  Shows. is a character education program with lively one-minute dialogue scripts to introduce each new day of the school year, 176  scripts total. Ten universal character traits are highlighted, one trait a month: attitude, courtesy, effort, responsibility, respect, self-control, citizenship, compassion, trustworthiness, and fairness. A short guided discussion follows the dialogue.


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Character. It Shows.

Mission & Vision

Peggy Halter Morris wrote Character. It Shows. to benefit teachers, parents, and students. She wanted to provide a simple, effective character education program for teachers and parents to use in teaching their students about character. She wanted to enrich the lives of children as they learned to make positive character choices.

Peggy taught a self-contained classroom before she became elementary school counselor for two elementary schools in the largest school district of Arizona. So, she knew the pressures a teacher faces daily—time pressures, content preparation, classroom management, student behavior. She wanted something easy for teachers to manage in the midst of their ever-demanding responsibilities.

Mission: Make character education simple for teachers and parents, inserting joy in the educational day–more fun, less stress–and a smile at the end of each school day knowing they’ve made a difference in the lives of their children. For students: make character education fun, memorable, and effective.

Vision: Lead students to practice kind actions toward each other daily!

What Students and Teachers Say

A second grade teacher said, “The students are developing listening, questioning, and leadership skills through the messages and discussions.” 

Maya, a second grader said, “The announcements show me how to be a better person.”  Niki, a sixth grader said, “More people focus on the donut and not on the hole.”

The school counselor said, “Kids and parents love it. It’s even increasing parent involvement.”




Dialogue Scripts

Character. It Shows.

Easy for educators … Engaging for students

Simple … Brief … Fun … Complete

Great for individual classroom, homeschool, or whole school program,
or busy parents for character training with their children.

The main component of Character. It Shows. is the one-minute dialogue scripts. In kid-relatable ways, these dialogue scripts include messages which describe character traits. To catch students’ attention, the scripts sometimes include fun references to bubblegum, or pet iguanas, or silly names.

For an individual classroom, homeschool, or home:

1) The teacher selects two students of character to read the dialogue script.

2) Two students a day read the script to the class at the beginning of the day.

3) The class, or homeschoolers, briefly discuss the message of the script.

The teacher looks for positive character each day and acknowledges it.

For a whole school program:

The process is the same, only involving the entire school.

See more on About Program tab.


 The purpose of the character dialogues is to create a desire in students to develop positive character. This happens by presenting character announcements daily. The one-minute scripts set the tone on campus for acceptance of positive character traits. They  lay a foundation for a campus culture that says acting with kindness and respect is cool. It is not a given that students will automatically use positive character. They need to hear and think about the valued traits daily. When presented every day, the messages change or strengthen the character of the students–little by little.

Reading the dialogue script for the morning announcements is one element that fosters that positive attitude. Students love being character announcers. They often ask to be one. Being selected to read the script becomes an honor.

Click below for more on Rationale:

Teach missing character traits;

Set campus tone of character;

Spotlight special ed students;

Build community;

Connect with parents.

A Word about

Character. It Shows.

The title, Character. It Shows., is a reminder to kids and adults, that anyone can spot character in others—good, or not-so-good character—as easily as they can see who has taken the biggest slice of chocolate cake, rolled their eyes, or sighed in disagreement. Character is visible in various ways: overtly (words and actions) and covertly (facial expressions and body language).

Thus, character, it shows.

Look at this little boy in the photo who left his scooter to help his friend on skates. That’s the goal of our program.


-Peggy Halter Morris

Change Lives by Teaching Character

Make a Difference in the Lives of Students


Attitude means

looking on the bright side.


Attitude topics listed below

2 Attitude1: Focus on what’s good
3 Attitude 2: Bring awesome attitude every day
4 Attitude 3: Keep awesome attitude when someone’s in bad mood
5 Attitude 4: Switch to a positive attitude quickly
6 Attitude 5: Keep awesome attitude in difficult situations
7 Attitude 6: A positive attitude brings success
8 Attitude 7: Chase stinkin’ thinkin’ away with positive thoughts
9 Attitude 8: Happy thoughts are free
10 Attitude 9: A positive attitude is seen on your face and in your actions
11 Attitude 10: Build your character with positive attitude
12 Attitude 11: Hum a peppy tune, think positive thoughts
13 Attitude 12: You’re never too young to build character
14 Attitude 13: Make lemonade out of a situation with positive attitude
15 Attitude 14: If someone is mean, use friendly words and actions
16 Attitude 15: Change bad attitude to positive quickly


Courtesy means

using your best manners … being polite … and kind.


Courtesy topics below

17 Courtesy 1: Continue using awesome attitude. Add courtesy.
18 Courtesy 2: It’s courteous to pick up trash
19 Courtesy 3: Use manners when you eat
20 Courtesy 4: Use polite words
21 Courtesy 5: Be polite in all situations with all people
22 Courtesy 6: Wait your turn to talk
23 Courtesy 7: Tell the truth
24 Courtesy 8: Use eye contact
25 Courtesy 9: Give compliments not complaints
26 Courtesy 10: Use good sportsmanship
27 Courtesy 11: Be courteous in the bathroom
28 Courtesy 12: Walk on campus
29 Courtesy 13: Others notice that students are being courteous
30 Courtesy 14: Don’t play around busy streets
31 Courtesy 15: It’s courteous to come to school on time
32 Courtesy 16: Assembly manners
33 Courtesy 17: Fair share
34 Courtesy 18: No cuss words
35 Courtesy 19: Let someone else go first
36 Courtesy 20: Flag etiquette


Effort means

trying hard … and doing your best.


Effort topics below

37 Effort 1: Trying hard, doing your best
38 Effort 2: Try hard to learn something new or finish something
39 Effort 3: Work neatly and learn all your lesson
40 Effort 4: Use effort and don’t make excuses
41 Effort 5: Work quietly, talk later
42 Effort 6: Don’t answer with unkind words
43 Effort 7: Speak to adults with respect
44 Effort 8: Put effort into handwriting
45 Effort 9: Take effort to keep your desk area neat
46 Effort 10: Make recess fun and safe
47 Effort 11: You are graded on effort
48 Effort 12: Do homework first
49 Effort 13: Try all the problems…not just easy ones
50 Effort 14: People use cigarettes and alcohol first (Drug Free Message)
51 Effort 15: Often friends offer drugs (Drug Free Message)
52 Effort 16: The “Try it just once” lie (Drug Free Message)
53 Effort 17: There are fun things to do instead of drugs (Drug Free Message)
54 Effort 18: Go after your dream (Drug Free Message)


Responsibility means

doing what you are supposed to do … without being reminded.

Responsibility topics below

55 Responsible 1: Two parts of being responsible
56 Responsible 2: Do what you are supposed to do
57 Responsible 3: Do it all
58 Responsible 4: Take care of school and home property
59 Responsible 5: Choose friends carefully
60 Responsible 6: Don’t pick just one friend
61 Responsible 7: Some home responsibilities
62 Responsible 8: Guard against careless words
63 Responsible 9: Don’t rush through your work
64 Responsible 10: Be on time
65 Responsible 11: Speak up for others
66 Responsible 12: Don’t play around streets
67 Responsible 13: Use time wisely
68 Responsible 14: Good results follow responsible choices
69 Responsible 15: Be thankful
70 Responsible 16: Stay in control of feelings
71 Responsible 17: Admit when you have done something wrong
72 Responsible 18: Be responsible with your words


Respect means

treating others as valuable.


Respect topics below

73 Respect 1: You’re important, others are important
74 Respect 2: Everyone is important
75 Respect 3: Body shape or skin color is not important
76 Respect 4: Treat others the way you want to be treated
77 Respect 5: Tone of voice
78 Respect 6: You are valuable
79 Respect 7: You are special in your ways
80 Respect 8: Show “important person” respect
81 Respect 9: Show respect regardless of others’ dress
82 Respect 10: Don’t judge by outward appearance
83 Respect 11: Appreciate differences
84 Respect 12: Respect others with physical disabilities
85 Respect 13: Respect others’ right to different beliefs
86 Respect 14: Treat others kind, even the unkind ones
87 Respect 15: Show respect to elderly and young


Self-Control means

controlling yourself … to do what is right. 

Self-Control topics below

88 Self-Control 1: Starting what’s right, stopping before you do wrong
89 Self-Control 2: Use a patient voice
90 Self-Control 3: Use self-control with hands
91 Self-Control 4: You can’t undo mean words
92 Self-Control 5: Use self-control when teased
93 Self-Control 6: Take deep breaths when angry
94 Self-Control 7: The right time to talk or be quiet
95 Self-Control 8: Don’t bother others’ things
96 Self-Control 9: Say “no” to too much food
97 Self-Control 10: Use self-control to say only kind things
98 Self-Control 11: Use self-control to stop gossip
99 Self-Control 12: Keep good thoughts
100 Self-Control 13: Use self-control to stay at your work
101 Self-Control 14: Use self-control to handle your emotions
102 Self-Control 15: What to do about gossip
103 Self-Control 16: Own up to what you did wrong
104 Self-Control 17: Don’t play too rough


Citizenship means

doing your part in your home, school, and neighborhood.

Citizenship topics below

105 Citizenship 1: Students are citizens at school
106 Citizenship 2: One student can make a difference
107 Citizenship 3: Citizenship has rights, privileges, and duties
108 Citizenship 4: Even a little help makes a difference
109 Citizenship 5: What are you doing to help others?
110 Citizenship 6: Citizens pull their weight
111 Citizenship 7: Citizens follow rules
112 Citizenship 8: Citizens make things better
113 Citizenship 9: Citizens serve others
114 Citizenship 10: Stay informed
115 Citizenship 11: Speak up
116 Citizenship 12: Citizenship is a privilege
117 Citizenship 13: Students could become president
118 Citizenship 14: Ask what you can do for your school
119 Citizenship 15: Citizens do their part
120 Citizenship 16: Students can start good things
121 Citizenship 17: Citizens participate
122 Citizenship 18: Tell opinion politely at right time and place




seeing someone in need … helping out … being kind.

Caring/Compassion topics

123 Caring 1: Do for others in need
124 Caring 2: Help others who have a bad day
125 Caring 3: Show you care when something sad happens to others
126 Caring 4: Care for others as much as for yourself
127 Caring 5: Give good, used clothes
128 Caring 6: Be kind to animals
129 Caring 7: Be kind to elderly
130 Caring 8: Use self-control when mad
131 Caring 9: Use kind words and thoughtful actions
132 Caring 10: A recipe for caring
133 Caring 11: Many people care
134 Caring 12: Kind words when others aren’t kind
135 Caring 13: Care as if others are special friends
136 Caring 14: Make someone smile
137 Caring 15: Care for those who seem sad or grumpy
138 Caring 16: Help each other
139 Caring 17: Do jobs you don’t like


Trustworthiness means

being honest … and dependable … making right choices.

Trustworthiness topics below

140 Trustworthy 1: Trustworthy students don’t lie
141 Trustworthy 2: Students are reliable
142 Trustworthy 3: Students keep their word
143 Trustworthy 4: Students tell the truth
144 Trustworthy 5: Be safe
145 Trustworthy 6: Do right when no one is watching
146 Trustworthy 7: Be honest about items you find
147 Trustworthy 8: Do a kind act each day
148 Trustworthy 9: Ask for help from community workers
149 Trustworthy 10: Follow rules
150 Trustworthy 11: Do things on time
151 Trustworthy 12: Don’t exaggerate
152 Trustworthy 13: Don’t gossip
153 Trustworthy 14: Be brave enough to stop gossip
154 Trustworthy 15: Do what you are supposed to do
155 Trustworthy 16: Say something when others are picked on
156 Trustworthy 17: Keep your promise
157 Trustworthy 18: Don’t keep secrets about wrong things

Character It Shows Definitions


Fairness means

treating everyone right (and kind)… but not always equally.

Fairness topics below

158 Fairness 1: Share what you have
159 Fairness 2: Follow the game rules
160 Fairness 3: Listen to others’ opinions
161 Fairness 4: Check out the facts before you blame someone
162 Fairness 5: Offer to help
163 Fairness 6: Be fair with friends
164 Fairness 7: Fair isn’t always equal
165 Fairness 8: Don’t show favoritism
166 Fairness 9: Listen to both sides
167 Fairness 10: Do your own work
168 Fairness 11: Tell if someone gives you too much
169 Fairness 12: Look at inner character not skin color
170 Fairness 13: Look at character not clothing
171 Fairness 14: Choose to forgive
172 Fairness 15: It’s fair to take turns


Character is

what you think, say, and do … even if no one will find out.

Character topics below

173 Character 1: Character…doing right when no one can see
174 Character 2: To make good character, put good traits in it
175 Character 3: Build by making good choices
176Character 4: LAST DAY MESSAGE

One-Minute Start


Fun. Learning. Growing.

One-minute character messages.

Start the Day

The Character It Shows program starts the day with a focus on character building. What a great way to start the school day!
The dialogue scripts are one-minute long. Two students each day read the messages over the morning announcements. A short classroom discussion of the dialogue message then leads students to think about the message.
Whether being implemented for the whole school, school wide, or by an individual classroom or homeschool, this is a wonderful and fun way to kick off the school day–every day of the school year.
This program can be used alone or with another character education program.

See Character. It Shows. in Action

Students Read Character Messages

Students read the character message first thing in the school day for the whole school morning announcements, or an individual classroom, or a homeschool setting. No videoing needed, just auditory capability.

In this video two students read one of the self-control scripts. Students learn that one aspect of self-control is learning to control their anger by thinking of what they did in the situation. Check out more videos by clicking on the Character Videos Tab at the top.

Character. It Shows.

Character. It Shows. isn’t only for the brightest students but for every student: lower academic, special ed., or struggling student, as well as the foreign language learner. Emphasis is placed on positive character. Those are the students chosen to be character announcers. No longer are the disrupting students grabbing the spotlight. (When the disrupting student makes a positive choice, her or she can be an announcer, too. No one is excluded.) This is such a positive program.

Whole School

Character. It Shows. has been and can be used as a whole school program. The daily dialogue scripts help foster an atmosphere of positive character in the whole school. Students who read the announcements are proud to be selected as announcers and other students view those students in a positive light. The program can easily be used with another character education program.

Individual Class

Character. It Shows. can easily be used in an individual classroom. Students and parents appreciate the positive emphasis on character. In addition, a grade level of several classrooms might coordinate to present the dialogue scripts daily to each other, each classroom taking a turn to be character announcers.


Character. It Shows. makes starting the homeschool day fun. If you have more than one child, they can read the script together. You might let them read over their part of the script the day before. That’s good reinforcement. If you have only one student, you, as the teacher, can read the dialogue script with him or her. You or your child can lead the discussion questions.

If you, as a parent, are using the dialogue scripts for character teaching in your home with your children, follow the same process as the homeschool teacher does.

Other Adults

When Character. It Shows. was used as a whole school program, aides and other school personnel commented on the messages. They were impacted by the dialogue scripts, too, as they listened to the morning announcements. You never know who or how someone may be affected when they listen to the messages!


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